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Bringing brands home – Everybody loves a superhero

What comes to mind when you hear someone talk about internal brand engagement? Just another buzz word, or a critical part of your organization’s brand mindset? More importantly, is your company harnessing the full strength of internal brand engagement?

Checking all the boxes

An innovative working environment, a competent team, and an exciting degree of responsibility all help determine whether or not you are an attractive employer. Employees who trust their management, believe in their vision, and feel a sense of belonging are prone to tackle challenges and adapt to organizational changes more easily. Add to this a respectable salary and you have all you need for an organization with motivated, loyal staff that welcome opportunity for development.


Employees that feel isolated or detached from their company’s core culture are more prone to look for career opportunities elsewhere. Solely offering a higher salary or a new position may not work, if you’ve failed to create true engagement and build a company culture that your workforce is happy to take home.

Your brand is your superhero

Think of your brand as the spearhead of your culture. It brings everything together, like a leading role in your company’s movie. And as elusive as your company culture might sometimes seem, your brand can make things tangible, with its clearly defined personality and unmistakable objectives.

Like a superhero, your brand will have several layers. It will provide an image of who your company is, what your company stands for, and what your company represents. And all of this should be reflected in what you and your company do. You will be challenged, of course. All superheroes are! Is your organization true to its word? Does your brand deliver on its promise? Are you reliable and inspirational?

Bringing your brand and your people closer together gives your staff a chance to truly understand and embrace your brand – to bring it home. Once that happens, the magic begins, and it’s natural for everyone to act on it. The result? Meaningful company culture with shared common ground that supports strong brands and empowers us.

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Beatrice Neiderstam

Beatrice Neiderstam is a project manager at deBroome, revolutionizing the way businesses manage their brand through digital brand products.

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